Ashreynu Shabbat + MASKIT
10:00am - Shabbat parashat Va’eira! Join us for a lively musical morning of T’filah b’Tzibur.
10:30am - MASKIT + Tot Shabbat
CRAFT BAR: Tu BiShvat after kiddush! Create a piece for the Tu BiShvat Gallery on Feb 8.
Ashreynu Shabbat + MASKIT
10:00am - Shabbat parashat B’shalach! Join us for a lively musical morning of T’filah b’Tzibur.
10:30am - MASKIT + Tot Shabbat
Kiddush + Tu BiShvat Popup Gallery following services.
Ashreynu Shabbat + MASKIT
10:00am - Shabbat parashat Mishpatim! Join us for a lively musical morning of T’filah b’Tzibur.
10:30am - MASKIT + Tot Shabbat
Cover art by Shani Arlee. Read more here.
Ashreynu Shabbat + MASKIT
10:00am - Shabbat parashat T’tzaveh! Join us for a lively musical morning of T’filah b’Tzibur.
10:30am - MASKIT + Tot Shabbat
Cover art by Shabsai Uvsitzky. Read more here.
Purim: Megillah Reading
Celebrate Purim together! Fun, festivities, costumes, drinks and more.
Ashreynu Shabbat + MASKIT
10:00am - Shabbat parashat Vayakheil! Join us for a lively musical morning of T’filah b’Tzibur.
10:30am - MASKIT + Tot Shabbat
Ashreynu Shabbat + MASKIT
10:00am - Shabbat parashat Vayikra! Join us for a lively musical morning of T’filah b’Tzibur.
10:30am - MASKIT + Tot Shabbat
Join us for Friday night: Kabbalat Shabbat and dinner. Come to shul in the morning for T’filah and MASKIT followed by Kiddush, and Jeopardy. Enjoy a short Shabbat rest, and then return for community led activity/learning sessions ending with Havdalah. More info coming soon.
Ashreynu Shabbat + MASKIT
10:00am - Shabbat parashat Tazri’a-M’tzora! Join us for a lively musical morning of T’filah b’Tzibur.
10:30am - MASKIT + Tot Shabbat
Ashreynu Shabbat + MASKIT
10:00am - Shabbat parashat Emor! Join us for a lively musical morning of T’filah b’Tzibur.
10:30am - MASKIT + Tot Shabbat
Celebrate Shavu’ot at Ashreynu!
One of the 3 important Torah festivals where Jews travelled from far away to Jerusalem to celebrate at the Beit HaMikdash, bringing grains and fruits. Hear the epic story of Ruth, Naomi and Bo’az, our Judean ancestors, and eat sweet dairy foods with us, as is the tradition.
MASKIT Family Service
10:00am - Join us for a the end of MASKIT Shabbat celebration! Kid’s service.
Kabbalat Shabbat
Celebrate Shabbat, sing, enjoy dinner together at this last community Kabbalat Shabbat of the year.
Ashreynu Shabbat + MASKIT
10:00am - Shabbat parashat Va-y’chi! Join us for a lively musical morning of T’filah b’Tzibur.
10:30am - MASKIT + Tot Shabbat
Chanukah Menorah Lighting
End Shabbat with Havdalah together and make Chanukah crafts to share or keep at home.
Chanukah Craft Night & Mini Arts Fair
Join us for our first ever Chanukah craft night & mini fair! We're inviting everyone into experience the fun of Chanukah art, with crafts, artsy vendors, and music.
Featuring DIY crafts & tutorials with local artists, community vendors (Jewish & allies!), and wine + Chanukah treats for purchase.
5:00PM: Musical Havdalah & Community Candlelighting
5:30PM: Craft Night & Mini Arts Fair
Ashreynu Shabbat + MASKIT
10:00am - Shabbat parashat Vayeisheiv! Join us for a lively musical morning of T’filah b’Tzibur.
10:30am - MASKIT + Tot Shabbat
Pre-Chanukah Party!
It’s time to get ready for Chanukah! Join us for some singing, latkes, crafts fun and more.
Ashreynu Shabbat + MASKIT
10:00am - Shabbat parashat Vayeitzei! Join us for a lively musical morning of T’filah b’Tzibur.
10:30am - MASKIT + Tot Shabbat
Ashreynu Shabbat + MASKIT
10:00am - Shabbat parashat Chayei Sara! Join us for a lively musical morning of T’filah b’Tzibur.
10:30am - MASKIT + Tot Shabbat
Brunch + Annual Meeting
We meet once a year to share the behind the scenes work of Ashreynu and vote on the new board! Come for brunch at 11am followed by the meeting at 11:30am.
Ashreynu Shabbat + MASKIT
10:00am - Shabbat parashat Lech L’cha! Join us for a lively musical morning of T’filah b’Tzibur.
10:30am - MASKIT + Tot Shabbat
Ashreynu Shabbat + MASKIT
10:00am - Shabbat parashat B’reisheet! Come hear the first Torah portion of the year!
10:30am - MASKIT + Tot Shabbat
Sh'mini Atzeret + Simchat Torah
Celebrate the ending of the Sukkot festival of Sh’mini Atzeret and Simchat Torah (the time of our happiness about Torah).
Simchat Torah
We’ll gather first for the Yahrzeit of Oct 7/Tishre 22 and then transition to celebrating the joy of Simchat Torah.
Sukkot Morning Services
Celebrate Sukkot outside, in the backyard at Ashreynu, inside the Sukkah! Help us decorate our temporary dwelling!
Yom Kippur/Kol Nidrei
Yom Kippur begins with Kol Nidrei shortly before the fast. Learn about this unique text and special nusach.
Read more about this event image here.
Tashlich + Art in the Park
Join us for Tashlich, Shofar, and art in Ralph DeMarco park (north of Astoria Park).
Join us to close out Shabbat with Havdalah, hosted in a member’s home in Astoria. We enter into the High Holiday season with S'lichot, a service of Piyyutim (poems) and t'filot (prayers) that set us on the path of t'shuvah.
Email us or message us for the address.
Shabbat Morning + Elizabeth’s Bat Mitzvah
Mazal Tov to Elizabeth and family! Come celebrate with us!
Cover art by Bracha Lavee: https://bracha-lavee.com/design/touch-of-torah/
Shabbat Morning + Ryan’s Bar Mitzvah
Mazal Tov to Ryan and family! Come celebrate with us!
Cover art by Bracha Lavee: https://bracha-lavee.com/design/touch-of-torah/
Tisha B'Av
Tisha B’Av: A 25 hour fast commemorating the destruction of the 2 Temples in Yerushalayim. Read Megilat Eicha , Lamentations, on Sefaria.
Fast of the 17th of Tammuz
The 17th of Tammuz is a day long fast that focuses our attention on the destruction of Jerusalem and the 2 Temples.
Pre Summer Kabbalat Shabbat
Join us for Kabbalat Shabbat, with music and Shabbat dinner, friends and to say Lehitra’ot before the summer break. Dinner is free for Ashreynu members and $18 for non members.
Shavuot Morning T'filah
Celebrate Matan Torah outside wtih T’filah, Hallel, Megilat Rut and more.
Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Tikkun Leil Shavuot (Erev Shavuot Torah/Judaic study) with learning, blintzes, cheese cake, and flower crafts.