Yamim Nora’im 5784 Message From the Rabbi 


The Yamim Nora’im – this ‘most wonderful time of the year’ – are upon us!

“If only I had done or said this...” or “If only I had not done or not said this.”  These are common refrains and reflections at this time of year – the preparatory month of Elul leading into the High Holidays in the month of Tishrei.   


Two word-plays occurred to me in this regard.  The ordinary month of Elul is made more sacred and truly preparatory by simply twice inserting the Hebrew letter ‘yud’ into the word אלול, yielding the word אילולי (ilulei) – “if only.”  By inserting these two yud’s, which together actually spell out a name of God, we make the month and its practice of repentance, a sacred time and a holy endeavor.  The “if only’s” are meaningless if they are simply empty regrets, but they become worthy reflections when they are intricately intertwined with a course of action to do better – a blessed feature of this amazing time of year.


‘Doing better’ means doing well, doing right, or as Rabbi Moshe Chayim Luzzatto (RaMCHaL) wrote, being on the ‘path of the upright’ – מסילת ישרים (Mesillat Yesharim).   To strive towards being yashar, upright, is perhaps the main point of the chagim (holidays) of Tishrei.  If we scramble the letters of תשרי  (Tishrei) and add the most common abbreviation of God’s name – the letter  ה'  (hei) – at the beginning, we derive the word  התישר (hityasheir) – ‘became upright.’  By truly immersing ourselves in the month of Tishrei and its profound chagim, we can emerge from this sacred period more upright, and better prepared to fully engage, enjoy, and benefit the divinely inspired world in which we live. 


I wish for each of us the strength, humility, and wisdom to wholly grasp, embrace, and experience this ‘most wonderful time of year.’ 


Shanah tovah, g’mar chatimah tovah – wishing you a good, healthy, fulfilling, and sweet New Year.




Rabbi Pearl