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MASKIT is the community-centered education program at Ashreynu. Our students, from toddler through teen, learn key themes of Jewish heritage and literacy through the exciting lens of historic Jewish events, culture, connection, and traditions. We use a project-based learning model and close collaboration between local artists, teaching experts, the Ashreynu community, and the Rabbi for an experiential path towards Jewish adulthood.

Sessions meet Tuesday and Shabbat.

It’s cool, it’s fun, it really works, and your kids will love it!


  • Jewish/Israel heritage, from ancient Jewish life in Israel and Diaspora cultures through today.

  • Jewish history, including cultural turning points, encounters with antisemitism, comparative study with other cultures, mapmaking, and key figures.

  • Torah, Tanach, and Talmud, including text study, character analysis, commentaries, fun science in Torah, geography, the diversity of opinion, and meaning-making.

  • Jewish arts and Judaica, including folk art, formal artistic movements, museum visits, ritual art/objects, and archeology.

  • Synagogue skills, including t’filah and Torah reading.

  • Hebrew reading and writing, in addition to vocabulary related to the above Jewish topics.