Rabbi Jonathan Pearl

Rabbi Jonathan Pearl has specialized, over the past three decades, in visioning and leading the resurgence of historic synagogues, infusing them with renewed life and meaning. He has spearheaded and accomplished this for synagogues in Nassau County, Suffolk County, and most recently, in Queens NY, by originating new programs and refreshing services, and generating new levels of congregational enthusiasm, warmth, growth, and participation.

Presently he is founding Rabbi of the new and exciting chavurah called Ashreynu.

Raised in a rabbinic home, with his formative years lived in Israel, he is an avid and seasoned musician and composer, playing keyboard during services, fusing Israeli and other music with traditional motifs. A beloved spiritual leader, he brings his musical and oratorical talents, warm approach, and passion for Judaism to all he does.

Rabbi Pearl earned his Ph.D. at NYU’s Graduate School of Arts and Science, and was ordained as a Rabbi at the Academy for Jewish Religion (AJR), the nation’s oldest pluralistic rabbinical seminary. In an historic first, he was ordained at AJR before a beit din composed of a Reform rabbi, a Conservative rabbi, and an Orthodox rabbi.

An award-winning author and nationwide lecturer, Dr. Pearl co-wrote (with his wife Judith) The Chosen Image: Popular TV’s Portrayals of Jewish Themes and Characters, the first-ever book on this topic; founded and directed a national media research group; has written – and been featured in – numerous articles and publications worldwide; and has lectured throughout the country.

Rabbi Pearl is a clergy liaison with the New York City Police Department; a pastoral advisor for numerous Astoria civic and community groups; and is a member of the Board of Governors of the New York Board of Rabbis.

He and his wife Judy are blessed with three accomplished children – Ayelet, Eitan, and Noam.

Rabbi Pearl expends his Rabbinic energy and creativity to lead Jews to a closer and more vital connection with their Judaism, striving to motivate everyone to Jewishly do their best, think deeply, act righteously, and work towards betterment.

With energy and infectious enthusiasm, Rabbi Pearl is thrilled and honored to be spearheading – along with some amazingly talented, strong, creative, Judaically passionate, and deeply dedicated cohorts – this new chavurah, Ashreynu.